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Our aim with our real time reporting is to empower the application of data analysis techniques to support the business decision-making processes. Our advanced analytics approach caters for full data set extraction in virtually any format.

Business Intelligence  

Why is business intelligence important?

  • The potential benefits of business intelligence tools include accelerating and improving decision-making,
  • optimizing internal business processes, increasing operational efficiency, driving new revenues and gaining competitive advantage over business rivals.
  • BI systems can also help identify market trends and spot risks that need to be addressed.
  • BI data can include historical information stored in a data warehouse, as well as new data gathered from source systems as it is generated

Business Intelligence   Platforms 

Business Intelegence for big data.

BI platforms are increasingly being used as front-end interfaces for big data systems. Modern BI software typically offers flexible back ends, enabling them to connect to a range of data sources. This, along with simple user interfaces, makes the tools a good fit for big data architectures. Users can connect to a range of data sources, including Hadoop systems, NoSQL databases, cloud platforms and more conventional data warehouses, and can develop a unified view of their diverse data

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